
Friday, July 17, 2015


I'll be leaving NYC for a bit (though I doubt anyone will notice), so I will leave you with a master piece that I had found in Hunter College during the fall of 2014. Enjoy the majesty of it all.

I can't help but imagine someone braiding whenever I see this photo.


As usual if you find something as awesome as the picture above, tag it online with #wallprophecies and I'll repost and blog about it.

Sunday, July 5, 2015


Just as I trolled Twitter for awesome wall writing, I decided to look around on Instagram, especially since only two to three other people have tagged their pictures with the #wallprophecies tag. So instead of waiting, I went on the hunt.

One of my favorite ones this week is "Bite the hand that feeds". It almost reminds me of a feral animal who doesn't know otherwise, so it simply takes what it's given, but is unable to return the comfort. It makes me wonder who took the time to write that, and why the had decided to put it up for others to see. I wish I was able to speak to a few wall writers face to face.

A photo posted by @anga_mercado on

Now this is a treat; vandalism meets poetry. If you have some trouble with the handwriting, it reads:

"Ink on a piece of paper, 
Words on a machine,
Any combination of 26 letters,
Don't say what you don't mean"

Rhyme and rhythm at it's finest. I love it when pen and wall meet to create something a bit deeper than just "R+T" or "Jen is a bitch" like many other walls and bathroom stalls (especially those in a school).

I also stumbled upon this post a few days ago. It's motivational without being overtly clique. It's also the kind of thing I couldn't mind reading while using the bathroom and fuming over how my school doesn't ever have a hook for my bag or sweater. Ah, the little things that make college and public bathrooms in NYC worth it.

A photo posted by @hennatattoo01 on

As usual, if you think you've found an act of literary vandalism that is worthy of a picture and post, tag it with #wallprophecies and I'll go give it a look :D

And as usual, check out my scholarship/ student savings blog at Student Struggle.
And check out this article I wrote on women empowerment in STEM jobs

Until next time!
