
Friday, July 17, 2015


I'll be leaving NYC for a bit (though I doubt anyone will notice), so I will leave you with a master piece that I had found in Hunter College during the fall of 2014. Enjoy the majesty of it all.

I can't help but imagine someone braiding whenever I see this photo.


As usual if you find something as awesome as the picture above, tag it online with #wallprophecies and I'll repost and blog about it.

Sunday, July 5, 2015


Just as I trolled Twitter for awesome wall writing, I decided to look around on Instagram, especially since only two to three other people have tagged their pictures with the #wallprophecies tag. So instead of waiting, I went on the hunt.

One of my favorite ones this week is "Bite the hand that feeds". It almost reminds me of a feral animal who doesn't know otherwise, so it simply takes what it's given, but is unable to return the comfort. It makes me wonder who took the time to write that, and why the had decided to put it up for others to see. I wish I was able to speak to a few wall writers face to face.

A photo posted by @anga_mercado on

Now this is a treat; vandalism meets poetry. If you have some trouble with the handwriting, it reads:

"Ink on a piece of paper, 
Words on a machine,
Any combination of 26 letters,
Don't say what you don't mean"

Rhyme and rhythm at it's finest. I love it when pen and wall meet to create something a bit deeper than just "R+T" or "Jen is a bitch" like many other walls and bathroom stalls (especially those in a school).

I also stumbled upon this post a few days ago. It's motivational without being overtly clique. It's also the kind of thing I couldn't mind reading while using the bathroom and fuming over how my school doesn't ever have a hook for my bag or sweater. Ah, the little things that make college and public bathrooms in NYC worth it.

A photo posted by @hennatattoo01 on

As usual, if you think you've found an act of literary vandalism that is worthy of a picture and post, tag it with #wallprophecies and I'll go give it a look :D

And as usual, check out my scholarship/ student savings blog at Student Struggle.
And check out this article I wrote on women empowerment in STEM jobs

Until next time!


Monday, June 29, 2015

I Need Your Help

Hello everyone!

Just thought I'd let you all know yet again that I could really use your pictures.

All you have to do is tag your wall writing photos on Instagram or Twitter with #wallprophecies. If you don't want to tag, you can just send them along or post them in the comments and I'll repost them. The more pictures I have, the more I can share the strangeness of what people write on walls, in bathroom stalls, and on public transportation. Send it all along and I'll do my best to post it up. With enough submissions, I'll think up themes.

They don't even have to be in English. If they're in Spanish or Italian, I'll be able to translate them myself. If it's any other language, just translate and I'll post it up along with the translation.

Also don't limit it to just wall writing, if someone wrote something on a desk at your school, left a funny or meaningful message on a chalk board, or on a sidewalk...I'd love to see it. So please, share away!

Here's an example of something fun I found about a year and a half ago in Manhattan. Major props to you if you know what song this is from :D

And here's a shameless plug as well.

I have another blog, it's called Struggle Student and it's about finding scholarships and ways to save up when trying to pay for higher education. This includes, where to sell back used textbooks, where to find cheap supplies, and how to make some extra cash on the side online. If you're strapped for cash or really need to minimize your loans, I can help.

Thanks you for reading!

Sunday, June 28, 2015


New Yorker spend a lot of time on public transportation. Those of us who remember pre-yuppified NYC also remember when only half of the train car doors opened, yet entry was cheaper, tokens were a thing, and there were few delays. Now, we pay less for more. Being in NYC, even if you're born here is becoming increasingly stressful. Which was why I wasn't surprised when I found this on a bus up in Woodside this past Thursday.

Not surprised people are taking out their frustration on a hot button issue that's been prevalent in many urban neighborhoods in recent years. I'm going to be on the look out for other aspects of commuter frustration as well. 

If you're on the look out for wall writing....or just writing that isn't on paper or in a book...send it along. Post it on Instagram or Twitter using the #wallprophecies hashtag and I'll definitely repost on my own social media, and put a compilation on a blog post :) 

And if you're a student who needs to save up or find scholarships, look no further.... check out Student Struggle 

Until Next Time! 

Monday, June 22, 2015

Lets Play Pretend

The #wallprophecies tag was used on Instagram recently on a picture that I really love.

 "Pretend to be Fearless"- Bitter End

and then the omnipresent "-Donut" (mmm...donuts)
A photo posted by @_calidoso on
Wall writing has gotten a bit more interesting, especially when a marker and a blank wall combine and create something that taps into our psyche. That's probably one of the best aspects of this post.

If you'd like your Instagram or Twitter post embedded on the blog, just tag it with #wallprophecies and I'll give it a look. The weirder the wall writing, the better. If you can't find something strange enough, pick up a Sharpe and write your thoughts.

And if you're looking into making or saving money, check out my other blog Student Struggle.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

MTA Yet Again

As usual, the MTA / New York City subway continues to be a great breeding ground for awesome yet strange things. It might be a random man preforming an aria on a subway platform. It might also be a woman who tells your fortune for a dollar, and once, I saw a man with a typewriter selling poetry for 5 dollars. He made a killing during Valentine's Day (and maybe he's on call for anniversaries) but the subway is also great for those days when you just happen to be by a flier or a train advertisement and you see some awesome commentary written on it.

Bumped into this the other day:

A photo posted by @anga_mercado on
What have you bumped into on the NYC subway. If you're not from NY... you can just post stuff from your usual public transportation route. If you don't use public transportation, just send pictures of something you've seen on a wall.

Tag it with #wallprophecies on instagram or tag me to the picture and I'll repost it!

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Focus on the Light

I found this on the 63rd and Lexington stop of the F train. Though I was running a bit late, this made me stop. I'd honestly like to take the time to thank the person who committed this act of vandalism. It has to be one of my favorite and one of the most meaningful things I've seen on the MTA.

The "Focus on the Light" wall writing only took an empty subway staircase and a marker. It reminds me of a poem by Dylan Thomas. It's a bit scary, harrowing, yet amazingly beautiful. Any poetry buffs or fans of the amazing film "Interstellar" will understand why this poem can be so powerful.

Do Not Go Gentle Into that Good Night 

Dylan Thomas1914 - 1953
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

A photo posted by @anga_mercado on

If you'd like a me to repost or write about a quote you wrote or posted online, just tag #wallprophecies, or tag me in the picture @AngelyMercado (twitter) or @anga_mercado (instagram) and I'll give it a look.
Until then!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Trolling the Interwebs

I like trolling around social media sites like Pinterest, Twitter, and Instagram for wall writings and also to verify that I am not the only person who has a fixation with the things people write on bathroom stalls and random walls. If anything, my fixation can be seen as respect for their creativity, and respect for the fact that someone took the time out to write something on a wall while they were doing their business on the toilet.

I also find it fascinating that people have taken the time out to post not just anything, but something meaningful. And due to my fascination with meaningful words, I was just looking at some pictures on Twitter and came across these awesome posts. These had to be my favorite wall writings this week:

 If only freelance wall writing was a thing. I'd be the first to sign up.

If you'd like a me to repost or write about a quote you wrote or posted online, just tag #wallprophecies, or tag me in the picture @AngelyMercado (twitter) or @anga_mercado (instagram) and I'll give it a look.

Friday, May 8, 2015


This is honestly not the first MTA inspired "vandalism" that I've seen in recent weeks. Just this year, the single ride swipes went from $2.50 to $2.75, even after various people testified at a hearing late last year regarding the burden a fare hike would have on various communities.

As per usual, the board went ahead and raised the fares. But while the price continues to swell, the number of regular delays and incidents involving the subway increase as well. The vandalism is somewhat understandable, but it would be more justified if it were in conjunction to an organized action to stabilize prices or stop any future hikes.

Now if only there were wall posts on the current housing crisis that has caused a record high homeless rate, or the fact that the Mr. Softee used to sell his addictive cones at only $1 each. If only.
 On the bright side, we might revert back to the days when the subway was edgy, and tagged up all over the place, yet was more likely to make it on time and actually work 24 hrs like it was supposed to. Those were the good days, when only two doors opened, yet the L didn't shut down halfway to Manhattan. If only.

As usual, tag me or tag your pictures with #wallprophecies if you find anything cool. I'll check it out real soon.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Bathroom Stall Blues

There comes a time in our lives when we see fit to spill our guts onto a bathroom wall. Maybe family and friends happen to be busy that day. Perhaps you feel as if they won't understand or you are merely afraid of having to hear the "I told you so" of your situation. Or maybe, it was past 12:00 am, you had drinks and you had a marker in your bag. But them all together and you have a heartfelt confession:

"October's not a good month for me. My 'plus one' has been gone now 2 years and her birthday is soon. Miss ya Tammy like a fat kid loves cake. (no offense to fat kids but that's what she used to say). We always had fun things to say."

We know the feels, bro. Many of us have been there. Just perhaps not in the bathroom stall of Barcade in Brooklyn with a sharpie marker. I really need to go there one day and see if the ex girlfriend might have seen it and responded on the wall as well. 

 As always, if you write or site any weird bathroom writing, send them my way via hash-tagging #wallprophecies. If it's weird and awesome, it'll end up here.
Happy hunting!

Monday, April 27, 2015

#wallprophecies: how it works

Hello there word lovers!

I have always been captivated by writings on walls. Especially in hallways and bathroom stalls. Nothing says "I should write poetry on a wall" like a random person sitting on a toilet in a stall.

I can't help but try to wrap my mind around some of the hilarious or even thoughtful things that are often written on walls, or even scratched on different surfaces.

If you find anything cool, post it as a comment below or follow the instructions below on my embedded post. Can't wait to see your strange finds.
