Just thought I'd let you all know yet again that I could really use your pictures.
All you have to do is tag your wall writing photos on Instagram or Twitter with #wallprophecies. If you don't want to tag, you can just send them along or post them in the comments and I'll repost them. The more pictures I have, the more I can share the strangeness of what people write on walls, in bathroom stalls, and on public transportation. Send it all along and I'll do my best to post it up. With enough submissions, I'll think up themes.
They don't even have to be in English. If they're in Spanish or Italian, I'll be able to translate them myself. If it's any other language, just translate and I'll post it up along with the translation.
Also don't limit it to just wall writing, if someone wrote something on a desk at your school, left a funny or meaningful message on a chalk board, or on a sidewalk...I'd love to see it. So please, share away!
Here's an example of something fun I found about a year and a half ago in Manhattan. Major props to you if you know what song this is from :D
And here's a shameless plug as well.
I have another blog, it's called Struggle Student and it's about finding scholarships and ways to save up when trying to pay for higher education. This includes, where to sell back used textbooks, where to find cheap supplies, and how to make some extra cash on the side online. If you're strapped for cash or really need to minimize your loans, I can help.
Thanks you for reading!