
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Trolling the Interwebs

I like trolling around social media sites like Pinterest, Twitter, and Instagram for wall writings and also to verify that I am not the only person who has a fixation with the things people write on bathroom stalls and random walls. If anything, my fixation can be seen as respect for their creativity, and respect for the fact that someone took the time out to write something on a wall while they were doing their business on the toilet.

I also find it fascinating that people have taken the time out to post not just anything, but something meaningful. And due to my fascination with meaningful words, I was just looking at some pictures on Twitter and came across these awesome posts. These had to be my favorite wall writings this week:

 If only freelance wall writing was a thing. I'd be the first to sign up.

If you'd like a me to repost or write about a quote you wrote or posted online, just tag #wallprophecies, or tag me in the picture @AngelyMercado (twitter) or @anga_mercado (instagram) and I'll give it a look.

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